The other day I mentioned but another herb that I utilize often is mint. While mint is a great plant to have it also has a reputation. You see, once it gets established it grows fast - very fast. It can quickly overtake other plants that are near it. Some people wouldn't plant it with a ten foot pole (That would be quite a trick). But I'm not writing this post to discourage you from planting it. When summertime comes - or simply warm weather - I can't go without my sweet tea and mint makes the perfect flavoring for a great southern sweet tea. I just chop up a few springs and let the mint leaves steep with the tea bag and it makes an awesome refreshment on those days when the sun can be unforgiving. I've toyed with the idea of drying my mint and saving it for winter as an herbal hot tea. If you decide to dry mint hang the mint upside down while drying so that the oils inside the stems move into the leaves and maximize the mint flavor.
In our garden we have two kinds of mint - really two is enough, I don't need any more!
In our garden we have two kinds of mint - really two is enough, I don't need any more!
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