Saturday, July 10, 2010

Is Comfortable Minimalist House to be Occupied?

Is Comfortable Minimalist House to be Occupied? - a good home is a home that makes you feel comfortable when resting, a place to unwind, a gathering place with his family, on this blog Modern House Design we will discuss all about home design which is very attractive and comfortable utuk applied, well now we will discuss Is Comfortable Minimalist House to be Occupied? please read.

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Is Comfortable Minimalist House to be Occupied?

Minimalist House Design

Minimalist Modern House Design ">house will obviously feels comfortable to live in an urban society that completely practical, functional, lightweight, economical, and efficient, because minimalism is the embodiment of their lifestyle, according to the needs of their functions. Symbol of the metropolis lifestyle. A simple way of life totally.

Home furnishings following the basic geometric shapes of buildings, efficient, and functional course. A careful arrangement of light and artsy (floodlights, lamps planting, hanging lamps, garden lamps) makes the house look more artistic minimalist in the evening.

Minimalist house will continue to expand along with the creativity of architects, design innovation, and supported technological sophistication, creating a minimalist home appearance will always be present with new breakthroughs that are fresh, the more perfect detail, and increasingly affordable prices. The presence of minimalist homes just a medium for communication between architecture and landscape with a contrast between natural and man-made things (culture).

Structuring a minimalist style garden will provide a "spirit" of the stiffness of a structure of softness, hardness materials, and harmony of living with shady environment around. The presence of shade trees, lawns, and other shade plants provide fresh air and life to fill the "void" minimalist house.

In the end the house minimalist aesthetic is no longer rely on ornaments and artificial objects, but more meaningful to an honesty of form, function, and the inspiration that created space. So no wonder if then the house becomes a choice of minimalist urban society which yearns honesty, simplicity, and innocence.

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