Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Yellow Treehouse Restaurant Australia by Pacific Environments Architects

Yellow Treehouse Restaurant Australia by Pacific Environments Architects - a good home is a home that makes you feel comfortable when resting, a place to unwind, a gathering place with his family, on this blog Modern House Design we will discuss all about home design which is very attractive and comfortable utuk applied, well now we will discuss Yellow Treehouse Restaurant Australia by Pacific Environments Architects please read.

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Yellow Treehouse Restaurant Australia by Pacific Environments Architects

Yellow Treehouse Restaurant Australia

Yellow Treehouse natural restaurant design concepts that was build by Pacific Environments Architects for the Yellow Pages. This natural treetop restaurant stands 10 meters up a redwood tree in a forest near Warkworth, north of Auckland, New Zealand. This Yellow Treehouse restaurant was built in 2008 - 2009. The concept of this cool restaurant design is driven by the ‘enchanted’ site which is raised above an open meadow and meandering stream on the edge of the woods.

The tree-house concept is reminiscent of childhood dreams and playtime, fairy stories of enchantment and imagination . It’s inspired through many forms found in nature -the chrysalis/cocoon protecting the emerging butterfly/moth, perhaps an onion/garlic clove form hung out to dry. It is also seen as a lantern, a beacon at night that simply glows yet during the day it might be a semi camouflaged growth, or a tree fort that provides an outlook and that offers refuge.The plan form also has loose similarities to a sea shell with the open ends spiralling to the centre.

Yellow Treehouse Restaurant Australia Pacific Environments

As it was built on private land, only those with a reservation were let in on the tree house location. Although the restaurant was only open for bookings between 9 January to 9 February 2009, the Redwood Forest team are now making plans to re-open the venue to the public.

Yellow Treehouse Restaurant Australia Pacific Environments Architects

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