Sunday, March 6, 2011

Interesting Possibilities

Interesting Possibilities - a good home is a home that makes you feel comfortable when resting, a place to unwind, a gathering place with his family, on this blog Modern House Design we will discuss all about home design which is very attractive and comfortable utuk applied, well now we will discuss Interesting Possibilities please read.

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Interesting Possibilities

The idea of adding interest to your home while staying within a budget appeals to most people, me included.  I have to admit that many of the smaller DIY projects you find through a general web search are best ignored.  Every now and them you find one with real possibilities.  Everyone has those clear CD jewel cases lying around.  Rather than throwing them away why not re- use them? Here are a number of options that may appeal to your DIY instincts.

Doesn't this arrangement look great?  I love everything about objects displayed in a grid format.  This idea was on Serenity in Design  blog and the  possibilities are endless when you start to think about what you could put in these simple cases-  photographs, scrapbook paper, origami paper, kids art, small watercolours, quotes, etc.


Rikki's Blog gives detailed instruction about how to proceed. 

 Murals ...You can use an enlarged photo and cut it into separate parts to fit into  the cases and then rearrange it in regular format or present randomly for a more interesting statement.  Viewers will be busy trying to fit it together.


And for those who want a bigger challenge... 

Recipe Hostess Gift...How about an interesting hostess gift presented in a CD case?  Decorate the front and print the recipe and include it inside.  Check out the link below to see how the case acts as a stand. 


Gift Card container....Check out directions at Chico and Joe. 

CD Photo Cube... Flickr.

If you use  any of these ideas why not  send me a photo to share with  blog readers. I can tell from my blog stats that I have lurking readers so why not participate and make it a group affair!

finished already discussion about the article Interesting Possibilities we hope you feel satisfied after reading it, if you will forgive please bookmark or share this article on the link

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