July 23rd, 2011 | Category : Bedroom
Enignum Canopy Bed for Royal Dreaming. Designed by Joseph Walsh for collection “Formation”, this beautifully elegant Enignum Canopy Bed has the ability to turn the bedroom into the living kingdom. This bed looks interesting and ethereal presence that has the ability to directly relax the user. Normal curve and timber structure design makes it a part of nature. Sleep in it will feel like a natural experience, but a glamorous, too. Although this product is furniture requires a lot of space, form and style that gave the royal atmosphere makes up for this minor setback. Suitable for a “haute decor” with a striking arrangement, which Enignum Canopy Bed will surely attract the attention of people visiting the interior in an integrated. What an inspiration to you?
(Enignum Canopy Bed for Royal Dreaming)
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