Saturday, July 30, 2011

Perfect Indoor/Outdoor Communication: The Wilderness Residence

Perfect Indoor/Outdoor Communication: The Wilderness Residence - a good home is a home that makes you feel comfortable when resting, a place to unwind, a gathering place with his family, on this blog Modern House Design we will discuss all about home design which is very attractive and comfortable utuk applied, well now we will discuss Perfect Indoor/Outdoor Communication: The Wilderness Residence please read.

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Perfect Indoor/Outdoor Communication: The Wilderness Residence

Perfect Indoor/Outdoor Communication: The Wilderness Residence. The wilderness is a project of modern architecture that was developed by Paul O + Architects and Woodland is located in Suffolk, England. Found in * Wallpaper, this project consists of several volumes which appeared asymmetric in an imposing home blends contemporary. The exterior of the house creates and interesting contrast with its surroundings. Indoor-outdoor transition very smooth, because the windows floor to ceiling vast landscape that seems to form inside the frame. Spacious and without disabilities, interior appearance and comfortable setting the overall mood is quite interesting. The living room is impressive in size and equipped with minimalist decor. Passage from room to room ascertained by a white hallway with lots of picture frames, art decor and colorful chandelier is impressive. A magnificent pool and a natural lake adds extra charm and life to the property.

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(Perfect Indoor/Outdoor Communication: The Wilderness Residence)

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Related : Perfect Indoor/Outdoor Communication: The Wilderness Residence


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