I've been really slack with my blogging, I know, I'm sorry. And some of the tradies have been really slack on site, too! The painters have been sacked and replaced by a new team and the pool man has been fired for not turning up. The painting is only half done, there is no carpet, no wallpaper, no study joinery.
We move in on Thursday and this is what it looks like ...
The carpet is being laid on Wednesday and the stair balustrades are going in Thursday morning. Talk about tight! But at least the front door's in.
And we have an entrance.
We have kitchen benchtops, a gas hob and a new fence behind.
We have some lovely bathroom tiling.
Master bath
Girl's bathroom
A partially formed barbecue area off the deck.
And a fence-less back yard which better be fenced when we move otherwise Ruby will be roaming!
And at least they're trying to look after the floors ...
No matter if the paint's still tacky I can't wait to move in!
P.S Tomorrow I'll show you two pendants I've just picked up which are yet to be hung ... Jx
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