Sunday, December 4, 2011

Simple ideas for Christmas decorating

Simple ideas for Christmas decorating - a good home is a home that makes you feel comfortable when resting, a place to unwind, a gathering place with his family, on this blog Modern House Design we will discuss all about home design which is very attractive and comfortable utuk applied, well now we will discuss Simple ideas for Christmas decorating please read.

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Simple ideas for Christmas decorating

Each year I seem to do less and less decorating for the Christmas season and what I do changes slightly.  One thing stays the same- simplicity.  There was a time when I went all out and it took days to set everything up.  Now I do a bit here and a bit there as the mood hits and presto, I'm ready. Here's a few sneak peeks at this years efforts. I like to reuse what I have in different ways and I depend on greenery from my garden to add life to the arrangements.This year a can of silver metallic Krylon spray paint has been my friend.  I'm spraying everything in sight.

 This is plastic and was a bronze colour last year.  It was weary from the weather last winter and a shot of metallic silver brought it back to life.  I left a few hints of the bronze showing for variety.  This is one of my all time favourite wreaths.

Directly below it is my flower pot that has been every colour possible. I like the silver.  I also spray painted the stalks of dried goat's beard from the garden and inserted them in a bed of broom.  The ornaments were ones I had on hand except for the purple one.

 Here's the arrangement on my front door step.  There's a carport on my house so it works well to protect things from the wind and snow.

 The only addition to this display on my dining room table is the insertion of the amaryllis.  I've had it for awhile and it changes location and has a new purpose each year.

 My fluorescent green berries and beads get a new home in this lovely green,  bronze, and black vase.  The candlesticks are usually in the dining room. It's all very understated.
On the picture frame mantle in the family room I'm using a repetition of varying heights of candles  and spray painted pine cones.  The wreath was gold with cream and pink poinsettias from years ago. It took on a great sculptural look when everything was sprayed the same colour.

That's where I am so far.  More ideas later....

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