Thursday, September 20, 2012

White, light and bright in Stockholm

White, light and bright in Stockholm - a good home is a home that makes you feel comfortable when resting, a place to unwind, a gathering place with his family, on this blog Modern House Design we will discuss all about home design which is very attractive and comfortable utuk applied, well now we will discuss White, light and bright in Stockholm please read.

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White, light and bright in Stockholm

This Stockholm apartment is for sale right now through Erik Olsson. It has the white floors (tick!), the beautiful original windows and doors (tick). A little outdoor space (tick!). And it also helps that the owners have impeccable taste, furnishing the Swedish home with a mix of designer and high street and a hint of far off places. Ja tack!

Erik Olsson
What do you reckon? Somewhere you could see yourself pottering around? Second home in Stockholm perhaps?!!

One of my little girls is sick today (poor lamb) so I'm at home looking after her. This morning I lined the Chariot (we love our chariot - it can go behind a bike, be used as a push chair and in the winter it even hs it's own set of skis!) with a sheep skin rug, wrapped her in a cosy blanket, surrounded by cushions and took her for a stroll in the nearby park to take in the Autumn sunshine. It wseems to have done the trick as she has just appeared in her 'dancing dress',  ten hair clips and pink leg warmers.... it must be the Swedish sea air!

This afternoon we're planning on making an apple pie with the apples from my friend's garden....any recipe link tips?!!

Have a lovely afternoon!

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