Tuesday, October 16, 2012

10 Simple and Easy Interior Design Hints

10 Simple and Easy Interior Design Hints - a good home is a home that makes you feel comfortable when resting, a place to unwind, a gathering place with his family, on this blog Modern House Design we will discuss all about home design which is very attractive and comfortable utuk applied, well now we will discuss 10 Simple and Easy Interior Design Hints please read.

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10 Simple and Easy Interior Design Hints

Simple and Easy Interior Design Hints Image
Blue interior design

Following these simple and easy interior design instructions will turn any room into an elegant work of art. Let your imagination create the picture and get the right people and the right materials to complete your masterpiece.

Here are 10  simple and easy Room Design Hints

  • Start with something you absolutely love. whether it’s an heirloom rug, a favorite piece of art or even a tea set your grandmother gave to you. From this, all the other answers will start coming to you quickly. And yes, designing smartly can be as easy as finding a single color, pattern or prized possession to build around.
  • Color is free – Use it. Paint is a cheap way to redecorate a room. But you may be surprised that good wallpaper is just as cost effective and easy to apply. In fact, you can usually paper a room in a day that would take two or three days to prep and paint. And wallpaper is great at hiding the blemishes that require a lot of spackling and sanding if you were to paint instead.
  • Pick a single focus. Each room needs a focus – a single item. It could a fireplace, an antique piece of furniture, a stunning sofa, etc. Don’t give into temptation and confuse the eye with too many things to look at.
  • Gather your options. Don’t pick your tile or carpeting without looking at your choices of furniture, paint colors and window treatments as well. They should be considered all together, not separately. You’ll rue the day that you picked out carpet over the weekend, only to find it was a shade or two off from the perfect sofa you found a month later.

  • Consistency counts. In an ideal world you don’t want to mix and match styles in your home. If you love modern, stick with it throughout. There’s nothing more jarring than having a home that’s done entirely in Victorian and then walking into a master suite that’s contemporary. Pick a style and stick with it.
  • Live with your choices. If at all possible, borrow samples and live with them day and night. Colors and textures change with the lighting of a room and while you may love a color in the daylight, it may not be so lovely in the glare of interior lighting after the sun sets.
  • Watch the weather. The seasons can greatly influence your choices. In summer, people tend to pick dark floors, but choose light floors in winter. Be aware of seasonal influences, especially if you live in northern climes where the seasons can be very different from one another.
  • Don’t be a slave to fashion. That day-glo beanbag chair may look tempting, but don’t decorate according to the latest fashions or fads. Your home will end up looking just as dated as your wardrobe a year from now. Stick to the classics – woods, rich fabrics, stone and natural materials – and you’ll never be sorry.
  • Showrooms are cavernous. Your home is not. Measure your spaces and measure the furniture you’re thinking about purchasing. Nothing looks worse than a piece of furniture (or artwork) that is too large or too small for the space you have available.
  • Get help when you need it. No one expects you to be an expert in interior design, unless it was your major in college, of course. Ask others for help. They may have something in mind that you would have never thought of on your own.
Simple and Easy Interior Design Hints photo
white interior design
Modern furniture should be in your list and finding them is not that hard as you think, if you’re in California you can visit a mall nearby or visit modern furniture California stores online. And once you have everything in hand, there’s nothing to do but to have fun decorating.

finished already discussion about the article 10 Simple and Easy Interior Design Hints we hope you feel satisfied after reading it, if you will forgive please bookmark or share this article on the link https://stefdavid.blogspot.com/2012/10/10-simple-and-easy-interior-design-hints.html

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