Saturday, June 29, 2013

Leaky Roof Restoration Tips

Leaky Roof Restoration Tips - a good home is a home that makes you feel comfortable when resting, a place to unwind, a gathering place with his family, on this blog Modern House Design we will discuss all about home design which is very attractive and comfortable utuk applied, well now we will discuss Leaky Roof Restoration Tips please read.

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Leaky Roof Restoration Tips

If you’re having a problem with a leaky roof you can be sure that you are far from alone, and the really good news is that it doesn’t always have to cost a lot of time or money to get the problem fixed.

How to spot the signs of a leaky roof

Sometimes a leak isn’t obvious at all. It’s one thing when there is actually water dripping onto your floor and you’ve got a bucket in place while you look up a roofer online, but many leaks stay within the structure of your home.

In these cases, they deal slow damage to your ceiling, walls, and even your floors, so by the time you notice them you might already have thousands of dollars in repairs to catch up on.

What to look for:

  • Curled Shingles: This indicates that your shingles are dried out and damaged from the sun, and may have to be replaced
  • Missing Shingles: This might mean your tar strip has worn out, in which case your roof may have to be restored.
  • Cracked Shingles: Any number of things can cause this, but cracks can lead to leaks or further damage, so it’s best to keep on top of things.
  • Excessive Moss: A little moss means you need a cleaning, while a lot of moss has probably damaged your roof, causing cracks and separation.
  • Dark Spots on your Ceiling: This is a strong indicator of a leak, which could be caused by any of the above problems.

    Should I Repair Leaks Myself?

    I probably don’t have to tell you this, but working on a roof can be pretty dangerous, so you want to be sure you take all necessary precautions. If you are at all hesitant or the idea makes you nervous, it’s best to call a professional.

    Things to be aware of:
    • Weather: Bright and sunny days are by far the best time to work on a roof. Even if it isn’t very cold or raining, your roof will be slightly damp and have less traction when it’s overcast.
    • Safety Equipment: You might need a ladder to get up there, and a safety rope may be necessary if your roof is high or steep. Generally, rubber-soled shoes will give you the best grip on your roof.
    • Other Dangers: Be aware of the location of power lines running near your roof. This is an absolutely vital thing to educate yourself on, because exposed power lines can spell grave injury, or even death.

    Hiring a Professional

    This is usually the better option, unless you are absolutely certain that you can get the job done right on your own. It is almost always worth it to spend a little money here to ensure a job well done.

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