Sunday, August 18, 2013

Home Depot Logo

Home Depot Logo - a good home is a home that makes you feel comfortable when resting, a place to unwind, a gathering place with his family, on this blog Modern House Design we will discuss all about home design which is very attractive and comfortable utuk applied, well now we will discuss Home Depot Logo please read.

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Home Depot Logo

Home Depot On the Bench logo

Graphic designers these days are a dime a dozen, it seems every where you turn some graphic designer is advertising "CHEAP" graphic design. Just how cheap are they talking about and what do you get? More importantly is "CHEAP" the best route to go, I mean it's only your business that's on the line right?

The Bread Bag Pandesal Bar Ortigas Home Depot Logo

I saw an ad the other day, a graphic designer was advertising $100.00 logos. Good deal right? At first glance, its appealing. You may be starting up a new company, budgets may be running tight, and you think "That's a great deal". However its not a good deal, and I'll tell you why. Did you know that design firms in LA and NY charge in upwards of $10,000+ for a logo design package? Have you heard of the company Coca -Cola, Nike, or Home Depot? Of course you have, they are everywhere and so is there logo. Could you imagine if anyone of these companies hired a graphic designer and paid them $100 dollars for their logo, it would be ludicrous!

Philly Pride Home Depot PRIDE logo

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Home Depot Logo

Home Depot Logo

Home Depot Logo

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