Saturday, November 16, 2013

ITalian Designer by Roberto Cavalli

ITalian Designer by Roberto Cavalli - a good home is a home that makes you feel comfortable when resting, a place to unwind, a gathering place with his family, on this blog Modern House Design we will discuss all about home design which is very attractive and comfortable utuk applied, well now we will discuss ITalian Designer by Roberto Cavalli please read.

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ITalian Designer by Roberto Cavalli

ITalian Designer by Roberto Cavalli
Day after day proves Italian designer global Roberto Cavalli multiplicity of talents, in addition to his fame in the field of fashion design, bags, shoes, perfumes and other luxury goods, Behold, he is proficient in a new area which is interior design, where the fired production line Roberto Cavalli Interiors in 2012 to complement creations Casablancafamous.
Thus goes Cavalli in the footsteps of many famous fashion houses that preceded it to take this step, such as Versace, Fendi, Armani and Missoni, announcing a creative capabilities in the field of luxury and luxury which form the title of the Italian brand.
In group designs Cavalli home decorations Winter 2013 clearly see the features of luxury and affluence touches brutal force stemming from personal designer, and of course it was carvings tiger, leopard and zebra favorite has dominant on the scene, and joins with the Golden complement of His Excellency configuration.

exceptional luxury living room components vary between accessories and wallpaper and luxurious furniture.

Like a touches of modernity and luxury Tiger and cheetah prints is a very good choice.. Cavalli designs logo cover your home.

Legendary Balls, Cavalli mark distinctive decor accessories has the mystery, magic and luxury

Combination of leather and richness of gold to get a technical configuration of Cavalli Group.

Silk leopard with a variety of cushions between silk, fur and gold color .. The perfect combination for lovers of creative luxury.

Luxury bed of leather, silk and fur .. Richness of Cavalli which leaves a distinctive mark on pillows and lighting units as a mark of luxury.

Roundtable by innovative design at the base with seats of leopard silk. A symbol of wealth and power

Treasury and innovative style design and modern Cavalli Cavalli-branded handles famous.

finished already discussion about the article ITalian Designer by Roberto Cavalli we hope you feel satisfied after reading it, if you will forgive please bookmark or share this article on the link

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