Thursday, January 2, 2014

30 Small and Functional Bathroom Design Ideas For Cozy Homes

30 Small and Functional Bathroom Design Ideas For Cozy Homes - a good home is a home that makes you feel comfortable when resting, a place to unwind, a gathering place with his family, on this blog Modern House Design we will discuss all about home design which is very attractive and comfortable utuk applied, well now we will discuss 30 Small and Functional Bathroom Design Ideas For Cozy Homes please read.

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30 Small and Functional Bathroom Design Ideas For Cozy Homes


A while back we posted a fantastic mix of beautiful and relaxing bathroom design ideas on Freshome, which turned out to be very popular. Whether you are looking to redecorate your small bathroom or design one from scratch, today’s post will offer some quick tips on how to do so and as a bonus, plenty of photographic inspiration! You probably wonder how can one make a small washing room functional, without compromising in aesthetics. Well, the 30 photos we gathered in the list below guarantee that combining practicability and visual harmony is possible and not so difficult after all. Taking inspiration from the small bathrooms in this post could be the first step in assessing your upcoming project.
You must think of each and every element in your bathroom and how it interacts with the available space. Does any of them occupy a larger surface than necessary? In order to maximize a small washing room, there are a few things you could do. Removing the feeling of clutter can be achieved by replacing the vanity for a pedestal sink. Choose a cool tall sink that matches the overall style of the interior and enjoy the extra space. Buying a small bathtub is also a great solution, especially when there are so many chic models out there. Large floor tiles, as well as light color paint on the walls give the feeling of space, whereas dark hues inspire crowdedness. With these simple ideas in mind, we invite you to go through the amazing photo collection below and share your own tips and tricks for designing a perfect small bathroom!

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