Friday, July 11, 2014

Cool recycled art and crafts with their hands

Cool recycled art and crafts with their hands - a good home is a home that makes you feel comfortable when resting, a place to unwind, a gathering place with his family, on this blog Modern House Design we will discuss all about home design which is very attractive and comfortable utuk applied, well now we will discuss Cool recycled art and crafts with their hands please read.

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Cool recycled art and crafts with their hands

Recycled art or recycled sculpture art , Do not rush to throw empty cans, plastic bottles, beer cans and tin cups. Of this debris can make original crafts with their hands 

Helmut Smits is a multidisciplinary visual artist based in the Netherlands. Packaging of all kind seems to fascinate him, at least enough to serve as components for his modern recycled sculptures art and art installations. I like the idea of making use of old tins, cans or bottles in a creative way

recycled art, recycled sculpture art,crafts ideas with their hand
lacking only rat with drum sticks
I think that the use of these cans look really cute

Don't miss to see this creative article:

recycled art, handmade table lamp,crafts ideas with their hand
creative handmade table lamp
recycled art, handmade table lamp,crafts ideas with their hand
table lamp from recycled materials with own hands
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collection of champion, recycled art
recycled art, handmade wall clock,crafts ideas with their hand
handmade wall clock from recycled magazine

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I like the use of beer caps on this bowl

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