Tuesday, July 1, 2014

What colors make for a bright interior?

What colors make for a bright interior? - a good home is a home that makes you feel comfortable when resting, a place to unwind, a gathering place with his family, on this blog Modern House Design we will discuss all about home design which is very attractive and comfortable utuk applied, well now we will discuss What colors make for a bright interior? please read.

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What colors make for a bright interior?

What colors make for a bright interior? When one thinks of a bright interior, one imagines white walls on which light is reflected in your bathroom and the sun even in winter. The problem with white is its tendency to crush all the volumes and creates a flat surface. If you have a real affection for this color, put white on the ceilings, window frames and doors or painting the walls a different color.

The lights in pastel

Light par excellence, the yellow is a dynamic process color. The advantage with this color, is that you can play versions of tart lemon sorbet colors or otherwise, of East Amarillo to warm your room. Very disturbing to light your home: thepastel colors and clear. The colors that attract and reflect light as ivory, pale blue, pink but banish the warm colors like red, brown or purple, it is inappropriate for a room with natural light insufficient. For his paintings, go for the glossy naturally and brightlook. You can also opt for those that provide an iridescent effect, to give a decorative touch to its environment.

The walls and floors

If the paint is often the preferred coating, the wallpaper no means excluded. You can choose the colors too bright or satin, or decorated with motifs that attract the light. In case of the ground, the same recommendation as for the walls, go light, neutral colors and whatever the coating wood floors, carpets, tiles or PVC. And remember that a bright interior is also based on the choice of furniture and decorative accessories.

finished already discussion about the article What colors make for a bright interior? we hope you feel satisfied after reading it, if you will forgive please bookmark or share this article on the link https://stefdavid.blogspot.com/2014/07/what-colors-make-for-bright-interior.html

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