Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Utilizing Space of Chic Apartment Attic

Utilizing Space of Chic Apartment Attic - a good home is a home that makes you feel comfortable when resting, a place to unwind, a gathering place with his family, on this blog Modern House Design we will discuss all about home design which is very attractive and comfortable utuk applied, well now we will discuss Utilizing Space of Chic Apartment Attic please read.

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Utilizing Space of Chic Apartment Attic

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Hi, there. Do you have an apartment? What does it look like? Is there any space used to design of the attic apartment? What kind of the room look like? Do you design it to a bedroom? Or is there something else? Here, I will share for you about some spaces of attic apartment. Are you curious? Let’s check these pictures.

The first designed of attic is the bedroom with wooden attic. You can see here, there are two beds in this bedroom. The double bed is designed with with white blanket and some cushions on it. Another bed is a single bed with also designed in white them of bed. But, the pillowcase looks more charming with flower theme. The small window with a pot of plant gives natural nuance in this room.

Do you think that a bathroom is always designed in downstairs? You will be amazed if you see this picture. There is a bathroom designed in an apartment attic. The bathroom is connected to a bedroom, so it is located here. You can see a simple theme found here. There is a small white bathtub with wooden accent and metal faucet. The wooden floor here is combined with white theme of the attic generate cute design.Read more »

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