Monday, September 15, 2014

How to Choose Your Furniture Upholstery

How to Choose Your Furniture Upholstery - a good home is a home that makes you feel comfortable when resting, a place to unwind, a gathering place with his family, on this blog Modern House Design we will discuss all about home design which is very attractive and comfortable utuk applied, well now we will discuss How to Choose Your Furniture Upholstery please read.

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How to Choose Your Furniture Upholstery

When the rehabilitation process starts and seems an important question concerns the choice of upholstery. Furniture upholstery can be very useful in a given time, because it gives you the opportunity to preserve some elements that have a huge sentimental value. In addition to upholstery also gives a whole new look and extend the existing period. 

Here are some useful tips that can really save you some problems when it comes to keeping your furniture in great shape: 

wood Variety 

Its is advised to use oak, ash or maple wood if you want to achieve the right effect when it comes to having a strong and durable furniture. All these materials have the quality of robustness is of paramount importance when it comes to furniture. If you have in your home an old piece of furniture that needs to replace it with a new one, because after a significant amount of time is not the greatest good and represents a threat to you and your family as it can break at any time possible. If you have an important value for you or a family member can keep, but to find a place for it than the basement or attic so you can be sure that a guest will go and sit on it . 

The importance of Fabric 

After selecting the material that your furniture will have to continue to step two and decide what type of fabric your furniture can be upholstered. If you do not want to spend a little more money than what's already planned, you should choose the printed material for your furniture. If you want to invest your money in the right direction and ensure a longer life of your furniture, you should focus on buying or manipulated tissue. The choice of cotton is also good but to seriously consider where to place your furniture as it can be seriously damaged by the sun recommended. Next suggestion is linen and is a bit expensive, but more durable than those mentioned above. This is to use a very strong fiber. You can also use wool if you want to get away from the place, but you should look very closely, otherwise you will face ringworm. If you live in the area with a pleasant warm climate, you can try using the silk of her furniture. 

It is not a difficult task 

You do not have to worry too much about the design of upholstery and furniture allows you to replace the gasket or cloth if necessary and should not use special skills to perform this task. You can make a kind of tapestry just using a staple gun and a piece of cloth. But you must remember at all costs to be extremely careful and do not remove the shock  housing because what is inside can easily fall. 

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