Saturday, March 14, 2015

Understanding and reading the blue prints of your new home

Understanding and reading the blue prints of your new home - a good home is a home that makes you feel comfortable when resting, a place to unwind, a gathering place with his family, on this blog Modern House Design we will discuss all about home design which is very attractive and comfortable utuk applied, well now we will discuss Understanding and reading the blue prints of your new home please read.

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Understanding and reading the blue prints of your new home

If you are in the process of constructing your home, it is likely that you will come across its blueprints at one time or another. In simple terms, blueprints are architectural drawings that show the design as well as size of buildings that are planning to be built. They are usually two dimensional and include the placement of features in the building and construction materials that will be used. There are three types of blueprints, namely section, plan and elevation which show a view of the proposed house in a cut-through, horizontal and vertical display respectively. However, for a non-professional reading these blue prints, understanding them may be challenging resulting in the need for proper interpretation.

Reading blue prints with understanding is an essential skill for soon to be homeowner as it makes it possible for them to make decisions from an informed standpoint in regard to the construction of their home. Some of the important basics that you need to learn to have a better comprehension of the drawing plans for your new home include:

• Begin with elevations

Elevations are basically drawings that will give you an overall view of the house’s exterior so that you can have an idea of how the house will appear when it is finished. These drawings are usually four in number and display the house from its front, rear as well as two sides. When looking at the flat view, that is common in elevation drawings, certain details are visible such as materials to be used in building the exterior and the height of the building. These details on the blueprint allow you to have a better idea of the final look of your home while giving you a chance to give suggestions for any improvements or changes.

• Look through floor plans

Majority of house blueprints provide a floor plan for every level such as the attic, basement and any other floors to be built in the home. In most cases, the floor plan view is designed in such a way it seems that the drawings are being viewed from the top. It is possible to see the room sizes, plumbing fixtures, walls, appliances and in some cases the furniture to be placed in the home. The blueprint of the floor plans gives you a chance to better understand the interior fixtures in the home, floor by floor, allowing you to make any necessary changes.

• Understand blue print symbols

When looking at blueprints, you will notice that there are a number of symbols displayed on them. These symbols are very important as they make it easier to identify drawing plans much better and also find it easier to understand various construction documents associated with your new home.  Nevertheless, these symbols are quite a number and may take you sometime to get them all at your fingertips. Fortunately, there are a number of online glossaries that you can refer to when reading blueprints to understand them better especially when interacting with other professionals at the construction site.

Article has been brought you by the leaders in building and construction, Uk, Bromley based company Obcbuilding. OBC was established in 1979 and operated by building guru Richard Patience.  He has been in charge of this family owned business since 2008.

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Related : Understanding and reading the blue prints of your new home


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