Saturday, September 5, 2015

Blue Color For The Interior

Blue Color For The Interior - a good home is a home that makes you feel comfortable when resting, a place to unwind, a gathering place with his family, on this blog Modern House Design we will discuss all about home design which is very attractive and comfortable utuk applied, well now we will discuss Blue Color For The Interior please read.

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Blue Color For The Interior

  Give  a certain refinement, mystery and nobility to the room  with the use of blue color, freshness. Of all the colors, the blue is connected with the concept of beauty, severity, tranquillity and  pacification. According to psychologists, this color has the calming effect on the person, removes a soul pressure and fatigue.
Doctors advise to use it for the decrease of aggression and for the restoration of nervous system, for the establishment of harmony with  the world.

Blue associations in an interior

 Associations formed the basis of use of the blue color in an interior, after all it is associated with color of the sea, the sky, night or winter. For example, for creation of a bathroom or a nursery design in the sea style the use of almost all shades of blue, and deep blue  in a bedroom reminds of mystery and mysteriousness of night.
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Turquoise color of the sky found reflection in the ceiling design. For example, regular ceilings or stylish stretch ceilings imitating the stellar sky painted in blue   or pasted over with wall-paper with drawing of clouds.
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If there is a wish to give   the  ease and lightness to the room, to create the atmosphere of a coolness and purity, it is possible to take winter motives as a basis, using not only blue, but also silvery, light gray or white color.
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Shades of blue in an interior

In excessive amount of blue  in an interior can cause a depression therefore most often it is "counterbalanced" with warm colors. If to add yellow to it, such a combination will create freshness, peach – luxury and elegance, red – expressiveness. Blue is organically combined with white, all shades of a tree, in particular, an oak and a nut remarkably approach it. And the color ensemble of blue and saturated dark brown became an example of decorative classics.
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Designers advise to use softened, indistinct or light tone of blue for big spaces. Cold shades always cause the feeling of remoteness,   therefore they are ideal for small rooms where ceilings of light blue color will make the room higher. Though if its light shades are close to green or red color, they can quite be applied to the finishing of walls and creation of big interiors in  a  Provence style.
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It is optional to paint all surfaces in blue color. For example, having painted one wall of the small room in blue and having hung up a mirror on an opposite wall of some other color, it is possible to enlarge the small room in volume visually .
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Designers say that it isn't desirable to do a blue interior monochrome, it is better to combine its shades with different shades of other colors. Too much saturation of blue color makes the atmosphere around oppressing and gloomy.

Blue interiors of our homes

Blue color makes the calming impact therefore most often it is applied to bedroom designs. After all it bears the images of night, silence, the fairy tale, mystery. Though you shouldn't hurry to paint walls in blue color, it is better to use   separate accessories in blue,such as throws, pillows,  blankets. Wall-paper with blue fragments will look excellent too. To create the feeling of freedom and ease in a bedroom, it is possible to design it in blue and white tones and to use bright details, like color pillows or curtains.
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In combination with yellow, orange, light green and red the blue will be exclusively good for nurseries as it is capable to make the room of the kid cheerful and cheerful.
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