I remember going to Rainbow Beach when I was a kid and I had so much fun collecting the beautiful rainbow coloured sand & making little coloured jars like the ones above.
I thought…how can I re-create this is my own home for my kiddos to experience. I knew that salt had the same consistency as sand and since I had a whole bag of it sitting in my cupboard, I thought if I combined that with some food colouring, you can’t go wrong…it turns out, I was right!
So all you need is two household ingredients to make sand at your place.
Salt &
Food colouring!
Pour one cup of salt (for each colour) into a zip lock bag
Add some food colouring (we used about 10 – 15 drops per bag)
Squish & squelch the sand around until the salt has been covered evenly
Leave the zip lock bags open for a few hours to dry and then you are ready for play! Sand is a great for sensory play in a tub, it can be used for artwork – simply swirl glue onto paper & stick on your sand. You can make sand castles or can make the pretty bottled sand that I was so fond of as a little girl!
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!
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