Monday, September 21, 2015

DIY Coloured Sand

DIY Coloured Sand - a good home is a home that makes you feel comfortable when resting, a place to unwind, a gathering place with his family, on this blog Modern House Design we will discuss all about home design which is very attractive and comfortable utuk applied, well now we will discuss DIY Coloured Sand please read.

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DIY Coloured Sand

DIY Coloured Sand
I remember going to Rainbow Beach when I was a kid and I had so much fun collecting the beautiful rainbow coloured sand & making little coloured jars like the ones above.
I thought…how can I re-create this is my own home for my kiddos to experience. I knew that salt had the same consistency as sand and since I had a whole bag of it sitting in my cupboard, I thought if I combined that with some food colouring, you can’t go wrong…it turns out, I was right!
So all you need is two household ingredients to make sand at your place.
DIY Coloured Sand 4

Salt & 
Food colouring!
Pour one cup of salt (for each colour) into a zip lock bag
Add some  food colouring  (we used about 10 – 15 drops per bag)
Squish & squelch the sand around until the salt has been covered evenly
DIY Coloured Sand 5
Leave the zip lock bags open for a few hours to dry and then you are ready for play! Sand is a great for sensory play in a tub, it can be used for artwork  – simply swirl glue onto paper & stick on your sand. You can make sand castles or can make the pretty bottled sand that I was so fond of as a little girl!
DIY Coloured Sand 2
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!


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