Monday, September 14, 2015

DIY Project: Bird and Text Collage Wall Art

DIY Project: Bird and Text Collage Wall Art - a good home is a home that makes you feel comfortable when resting, a place to unwind, a gathering place with his family, on this blog Modern House Design we will discuss all about home design which is very attractive and comfortable utuk applied, well now we will discuss DIY Project: Bird and Text Collage Wall Art please read.

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DIY Project: Bird and Text Collage Wall Art

Make your own bird wall art with printed bird templates and a textual collage for the background. This wall art craft project shows you how to create wall decor with the look of pricier designer pieces.

Bird Wall Art

  • Two Canvases
  • Permanent Marker
  • Printed Birds to trace
  • Scissors
  • Paint, Wallpaper or Vintage pages to create a canvases back ground
  • Glue or Mod Podge

Instructions:It's easy to find images of birds online by doing an image search. Print your images on card stock or mount them on card stock to create a firm template. Cut them out and your ready to go!

Bird Templates 1
Bird Templates 2To create some fun texture and interest cover your canvas in Scrapbook paper, Paint or Vintage book pages! To adhere any sort of paper mix two parts water to one part school glue or Mod Podge. Paint your paper with your glue mixture and lay smoothly on your canvas. Once the entire canvas is covered let it dry over night before moving onto the next step.
When it's dried completely lay your two canvases next to each other.

Vintage Paper CanvasUse a pencil to free hand your tree branches. Be sure to continue your branch from one canvas to the next.

Draw Tree BranchesOutline your penciled sketch with your permanent marker.

Outline with permanent marker Color in your branches completely.

Color in the BranchesPlace your bird images on the branches and trace them with a pencil. Remember you can make a bird face the other way by flipping them over!

Place birds on branchesColor in your birds.

Color in BirdsNow we'll add our details! Draw on leaves and smaller branches and color them in. Lastly you'll want to color it all in one last time to insure a deep dark silhouette and to cover up any uneven marker strokes.

Add detailsHang them side by side and enjoy!

Finished Bird Wall Art
Finished Bird Wall Art

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