Sunday, October 11, 2015

Tips For Living Room Minimalist Looks Relieved

Tips For Living Room Minimalist Looks Relieved - a good home is a home that makes you feel comfortable when resting, a place to unwind, a gathering place with his family, on this blog Modern House Design we will discuss all about home design which is very attractive and comfortable utuk applied, well now we will discuss Tips For Living Room Minimalist Looks Relieved please read.

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Tips For Living Room Minimalist Looks Relieved

Tips For Living Room Minimalist Looks Relieved
Lately, more and more rampant property development in Indonesia. Limited land is not proportional to the population of residents and the number of houses to be built. Therefore, many property developers and individuals who build houses with minimal size. The house is minimalist does not need large area, even more money is spent will be less. Indeed, in some ways minimalist home seem more economical, but the risk you can not have ample room to move. Fortunately, there are several ways to anticipate the arrangement of space in order to keep your home seem relieved and comfortable. Tips- her.

Spatial Planning in the minimalist

Some people sometimes confuse how to put the room in their small house so as not to seem stuffy. Do not worry, there are a few tricks you can do to make your small house seem more spacious, including:

1. Minimize the number of household furniture.
2. Maximize the function of the blanks, such as making a bookshelf in the wall.
3. Adjust the order of the house with the color of the wall paint. Better to use paint with soft colors such as green or brown.
4. Create a design room with airy and luminous, because it set the position of windows and ventilation as possible. It is recommended to use a wide window and elevate the position of the ceiling.

Modern Interior Living Room Luxury Minimalist White Sofa
Make a Living Being Relieved

The living room is one important part of our homes. This room gives a first impression on those who visit your home. If the room is comfortable, eating guests will feel at home in our house. For those of you who have a minimalist home with a small living room, here are tips to make a minimalist living room to be more comfortable and relieved.

1. Use furniture as needed and do not choose a model that is too large sofa.
2. Use the colors of the wood for a more natural impression and expose your furniture.
3. Maximize lighting so that the room does not seem stuffy and dark.
4. Do not put ornaments that are too large in size, such as jars and pots of flowers.

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