Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Tips on Cleaning your Home

Tips on Cleaning your Home - a good home is a home that makes you feel comfortable when resting, a place to unwind, a gathering place with his family, on this blog Modern House Design we will discuss all about home design which is very attractive and comfortable utuk applied, well now we will discuss Tips on Cleaning your Home please read.

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Tips on Cleaning your Home

It can be tough to maintain your home, especially if you have a full time job, but if you keep cleaning bits of it every day, you will have less cleaning to do on the weekends. If you look at it like a boring and tedious task, it will become that, but if you make it a fun task that you can get the kids involved with, it can be fun for everyone involved. Here are some tips on how to clean your home:
Cleaning your living room
            For most families, the most commonly used room of the house is the living room. Whether your kids are jumping on the couches or your pets are shedding hair all over the floor, it can be tough to clean up. After all the hard work of cleaning it, it seems that it gets messy all over again, in a matter of minutes. The best way to prevent this from happening is to get your kids to help out. Each toy they bring to the living room, must be returned to its original spot and your children need to know that. You can make a game of it by saying whoever gets the most toys back in the toy box, can have a treat. Whether you have carpets or not, it is important to clean the living room floor every day. You and your partner can take turns vacuumingit or sweeping it, that way it will not seem like too much work for either of you.
Cleaning your washroom
            The washroom can be the part of the house that nobody wants to clean, for obvious reasons. However, it is the most important place to clean in your house, as most of the germs and bacteria in your home stem from the washroom. Start by putting bleach in the toilet and letting it sit for a while before cleaning it with a toilet brush. Scrub the tiles in the shower area with a sponge and some detergent and then just mop up the floors to give it a clean look. You can even put in an air freshener in there that goes off every thirty minutes, to have it smelling fresh all the time.
 Cleaning the outside of your home
           A lot of people do not consider cleaning the outside of their home. It is good to make sure that there are not any leaves on your porch that may fly into your home and that the drains are all clean and clear from mud and leaves. If you find that your drain does in fact need cleaning, you can just look up drain cleaning West Chester pa, and get professionals to come out and clean it for you.

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