Baroque style appeared in Italy in the XVII-th century at the time when the power of the country was fading, and the nobility and the clergy preferred to create at least the illusion of wealth. And so the main feature of this style was a demonstration of luxury, opulence, grandeur and even pretentiousness. Many countries adopted it from Italy and transformed in their own way. For example, in Spain, this style was called "Churrigueresque" - by the name of the local architect Churriguera. In France, the Baroque was transformed into the rococo, and in Latin America, the style has absorbed local traditions and became "ultrabarokko."

Baroque style is the style of palaces. It can be found in such famous ensembles like Versailles in France, Schonbrunn in Austria or Peterhof in Russia. The most prominent representative of the Russian Baroque was famous Francesco Rastrelli, his palace in Tsarskoye Selo, the Winter Palace and the Smolny Cathedral in St. Petersburg are well known.

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