... is here!! He was born last Monday (May 21st) in the afternoon and weighed 7 lbs 8 oz.
{There is no better feeling on this Earth than the moment when you first hold your baby}
...And here he is all cleaned up and in his nightie:
{Here he is with his Daddy- David. We've barely put him down all week.}
Anyway, I just wanted to share our news with you & hope you're having a great week! I'm not sure when I'll be back in - I'm really trying to devote all of my attention to the family right now- but when I am I've got lots to share on what we've been doing around here. :)
And a note on the exhaustion/ coping level- I have to say that with my husband home for 1 more week, we're doing pretty well. Life with 3 boys is DEFINITELY an adjustment but so far, so good. Right now, we're tag-teaming & it's really manageable but I'm a little nervous about when real life & work picks up & we're not only focusing on the family & life at home. I'm trying not to think about it right now & to just recup & relax... On that note, I'm also sooooo excited to get to work out again. I gained 60 (!) pounds so I'm ready to RUNNNNN... :) (I gained 60 with each of my other pregnancies too = FUN. not.)
ok, I'm off. Have missed you all!!
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