Thursday, July 12, 2012

The treasure map to my slapper of gold

The treasure map to my slapper of gold - a good home is a home that makes you feel comfortable when resting, a place to unwind, a gathering place with his family, on this blog Modern House Design we will discuss all about home design which is very attractive and comfortable utuk applied, well now we will discuss The treasure map to my slapper of gold please read.

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The treasure map to my slapper of gold

I walked into the kithen the other morning and found this treasure map on the fridge:

"A cruncher like this would be too BOLD, but seek and ye may find a slapper of GOLD!"

At first I thought it was a little treaure hunt/ game that my husband had made for the kids. But then I read it again...  I call the 3-hole punch in our office the "cruncher:"

And so I realized that "slapper" must mean stapler...

And I had just seen the prettiest stapler EVAAA when we were at Pottery Barn...

So I followed to the end of the map...

I saw the drawing of the banana peel & had no idea what that meant  (He just told me that it was a chandelier)

... but I recoginzed the shelf with binders & boxes and glasss jugs on it as the one from the
back office:

{See the shelf all the way to the right?}

And I ran down there and on top of the shelf where X had marked the spot, there was the beautiful brass stapler that I'd been eyeing!!

Here's a quick pic I snapped of it:

{The "slapper" of gold i.e. a brass stapler from Pottery Barn}

I love it!! 

 I'm not five years old any more, but my husband understands that I still get excited about things like a five year-old.  
...and that makes me really happy.

xoxo, Lauren

ps- I love that he thinks that a brass crucher (3 hold punch) would be too "bold" ...  I think he's right ;) ;)

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.

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